Property Inspector 3.0.1 Free

70+ Operations that can be done in seconds that are difficult or impossible with LabVIEW:

  1. Find all VIs with blank Descriptions
  2. Find all VIs with Descriptions that are not blank
  3. Find all VIs with various template Descriptions (Use this template to...)
  4. Find all VIs by eliminating those with a GLOBAL EXCLUSION™
  5. Find all VIs with Allow Debugging Enabled
  6. Find all VIs with Automatic Error Handling enabled
  7. Find all VIs with History Text
  8. Find all VIs with History Text by a specific user name 
  9. Find all VIs with Separate compiled code from source disabled
  10. Find all VIs not in memory
  11. Find All VIs that are broken
  12. Find all VIs in earlier LV versions
  13. Find all VIS that are not in memory, broken AND in an earlier LV Version
  14. Find all VIs with Password Protection enabled
  15. Find all VIs with Reentrancy enabled
  16. Find all VIs with Reentrant set to Shared or Preallocated
  17. Find all VIS with Reentrancy enabled AND set to Preallocated
  18. Find all VIS where inlining is allowed
  19. Find all VIs with any custom Run Time Menu
  20. Find all VIS with a custom Window Title
  21. Find all VIs set to show their window when called
  22. Find all VIs with transparency enabled
  23. Find all VIs set to show the menu bar
  24. Find all VIs set to suspend when called
  25. Find all VIs set to Monitor 1, Monitor 2 or default
  26. Find all VIs with Window Behavior set to Modal
  27. Find all VIs with Window Behavior set to Floating
  28. Find all VIs set to a specific Execution System
  29. Find the oldest VIs in the project
  30. Find the most recent VIs in the project
  31. Find that VI last modified on a specific date
  32. Find all controls in a project
  33. Find all strict typedefs in a project
  34. Find all Global VIs in a project
  35. Find all VIs contained in all classes
  36. Find all VIs not contained in any class
  37. Find all VIs contained in a class except in a specific class
  38. Find all VIs in all libraries
  39. Find all VIs not in any Library
  40. Find all XControls in the project
  41. Find all DAQmx Channels
  42. Find all DAQmx Tasks
  43. Find all DAQmx Scales
  44. Find all DAQmx Channels, Tasks and Scales
  45. Find all XControls in the project
  46. Highlight multiple objects scattered in the Project Explorer window in a single click
  47. List All VIs that are modified without closing the project
  48. Sort all VIs by Name in all locations
  49. Sort all VIs by Name across multiple targets
  50. Sort all VIs by static data memory size
  51. Sort all VIs by code size
  52. Sort all VIs by file size
  53. Sort all VIs by Revision Number
  54. Sort all VIs by date modified
  55. Sort all VIs by Name
  56. Sort all VIs by Path
  57. Sort all VIs by Type
  58. Sort all VIs by number of callers
  59. Sort all VIs by number of clones
  60. Sort all VIs by code complexity
  61. Sort all LLBs by date
  62. Sort all LLBs by size
  63. Sort all files in all LLBs by name
  64. Sort all files in all LLBs by date
  65. Sort all files in all LLBs by size
  66. Sort virtual folders by date
  67. Unsort all VIs to revert back to the project order
  68. Open any number of front panels in a single operation
  69. Close the same windows in a single operation
  70. Open any number of block diagram in a single operation
  71. Perform repetitive searches efficiently with a one-click history of the last 9 operations

This product is available on the LabVIEW Tools Network. Download for free and analyse your code.


Last updated on: February 21st, 2021